step by step guide for SEO company in Nairobi, Kenya

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SEO guide in Kenya
For a detailed step by step guide to local SEO check our free report, but here is a summary of the main points you need to do:

  • Get listed in GoogleBing, and Yahoo Local listings
  • Request for  Local Reviews – start with your best customers
  • Get Name, Address, and Phone (NAP) Citations in popular local listings
  • Find your Industry Specific Listings and Directories and get listed there
  • Create Service specific pages – avoid having a generic ‘Services’ page
  • Create longer pages – between 500 to 1,000 words per page – use frequently asked questions if you can not think of content
  • Optimize EVERY page with keyword-rich metatags, URLs, Headings, and internal links to other pages (Anchor Text)
  • Get some backlinks – start with local suppliers
  • Switch to HTTPS Hosting – Google favors secure websites
  • Switch to SSD Hosting – Website Load speed is a Google ranking factor
  • Setup a Company Blog – WordPress can be installed in one click using Softaculous
  • Start Creating Regular Blog Content
  • Create Videos – Most businesses don’t create videos so you can get a big advantage over them

SEO guide in Kenya

Here are 10 tips that can take your SEO campaign to the next level.

Tip #1: Scale from the Bottom Up

Many website owners attempt to rank for competitive keywords first. The better way to build your campaign is to start with less competitive keywords and scale the revenue from those keywords to fund your campaign for the sought after competitive keywords.

Tip #2: Test with Pay Per Click First

How can you tell that the keyword you’re targeting will even be profitable for you? The easy way to know for sure is to set up a pay per click campaign and see if you can convert the traffic into leads and eventually into sales. It’s far more inexpensive than building out a whole campaign for a keyword.

Tip #3: Build Relationships with Other Business Owners

By building relationships with other business owners, it becomes an easier job getting your content featured on their site that’s linking back to you. Too many people try to employ a cold call sales tactic to acquire links.

Tip #4: Use the Right Software

If you want to succeed with SEO, you need the right software tools. Research the best tools you need to figure out which ones to invest in. While there are many free SEO tools out there, the industry leading tools will save you time, be more accurate, and give you more valuable information.

Tip #5: Focus on Quality Content Over Quantity

There has been a content boom over the past few years with the focus put on content marketing to support SEO campaigns. However, it is far more important to produce a fewer number of quality content over a large number of mediocre content.

Tip #6: Use Structured Data (Schema)

Structured data can really help your site listing stand out and depending on which one you use, Google may give you more real estate for your listing. Figure out what type of Schema you can use for your site.

Tip #7: Leverage Social Media

Social media is one of the best ways to develop relationships with other website owners, find content ideas, distribute content and also help you pages rank higher. If you’re serious about SEO, you need to make sure social media is integrated into your strategy.

Tip #8: Optimizing for UX

User experience has a huge impact on your SEO campaign. Everything from your site load times, user interface, design, to layout/formatting affects your conversions and you rankings.

Tip #9: Focus Highly on Mobile

For many sites, desktop users still make up the majority of their visitors. However, more people are using mobile devices to browse the Internet. This audience is continuing to rise, so you want to make sure that you are going with the trend and not waiting until the last moment.

What Matters In SEO.

  1. Here are the things that really matter if you do SEO for your business:
  2. Don’t block your site
  3.  Make sure you don’t  confuse or annoy a website visitor
  4. Don’t block Google from crawling resources on your site or rendering specific elements on your page
  5.  Have a responsive design that works on mobile and desktop
  6.  Be situated local to your target customer
  7.  Geo-target (Geographical) your site in Google Webmaster Tools (unless you have a country-specific domain)
  8.  Put your keyword phrase at least once in the Page Title Element
  9.  Avoid keyword stuffing main content
  10.  Add value to pages with ordered lists, images, videos, and tables
  11. Optimize for increased ‘user intent’ satisfaction
  12. Keep important content on the site updated a few times a year
  13.  Trim outdated content from your site
  14.  Do not push the main content down a page unnecessarily with ads
  15.  Link to related content on your site with useful and very relevant anchor text
  16. Use a simple navigation system on your site
  17. Create pages to meet basic usability best practices – Pay attention to what ‘annoys’ website visitors
  18.  Create pages where the main content of the page is given priority, and remove annoying ads and pop-ups
What really matters in SEO is what you prioritize today so that in 3-6 months you can see improvements in the quality of your organic traffic.
Search engine optimization is often about making small modifications to parts of your website. When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site’s user experience and performance in organic search results.

call Global Desarts Media for SEO guide in Kenya


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