How To Start A Successful Blog And Grow For FREE in 2020 (Super Easy)
Today I’ll show you the best way to create a blog and grow it to your first 30, 000 visitors!.
Have you ever wanted to get into blogging?
I’ll take you through the steps used by top bloggers in the world. This also includes blogs that are making more than $50,000 a month in passive income.
I want to show you exactly how to start a blog that will bring you lot’s of traffic.
These are 4 simple steps used by the top bloggers in the world
These are very straightforward steps that work when starting your first blog. Don’t use free hosting, always get your domain and hosting
1. Find hosting & a perfect domain name
2. Create the website and customize it
3. Fill it with good content that’s keyword optimized
4. Promote the site
Starting Your WebSite With BlueHost,
In this example, we’ll use BlueHost as our hosting provider and show you how to set it up. It’s cheap and works well.
Good for people on a tight budget.
You’ll need to purchase hosting services to host your website online. Luckily, we managed to get you an amazing offer and a free domain name!
Use your website name as the domain if don’t already have one.
To get the best offer instantly you can get our special offer here that’s going to be $2.95 a month.
To get hosting from Bluehost, the very first thing you need to do is visit the official Bluehost site
And when you reach the website, the next step is to click the get started button on the homepage.
Bluehost also offers free migration if you are not happy with your current hosting plan.
On clicking the get started button, it will take you to the pricing page where you will have to select the plan.
Web Hosting For Ecommerce website Design Kenya
I will suggest going with the Basic plan which is $2.95/month. Remember, you can always upgrade if required. Once you have finalized the plan, click select
When you click select, it will take you to a new screen wherein you will either have to select a new domain if you do not have one (Bluehost provides a free domain for a year) or enter a domain name that you own in the box labeled “Use your domain”.
Note– If you do not have a domain name when you are buying hosting and you are unable to come up with a name, you can always skip this step by clicking “I’ll create my domain later” at the bottom of the page.
In this scenario, Bluehost will provide you with a temporary domain name that can later be replaced by your one.
Also, if you are currently using your domain and want to get the free domain as well, you can anytime claim your free domain.
Setting Up Domain
Once you add a domain or skip this step, it will take you to a new screen where you are required to create a Bluehost account and provide information such as Your name, email, address, etc.
After you are done filling the information, in the next step you need to check if you are buying the correct hosting package or not.
As you can see in the image below the pricing is $2.95/mo for the 3-year package.
Note- In Bluehost, you get a max discount on buying longer-term hosting plans which in this case is 3 years. I will suggest you go for the 3-year package because if you currently buy for a year the pricing will be higher and the renewal cost after the yearly term will be even higher.
Once you finalize the package, the next step is to remove the package extras which are Sitelock security- Find and Codeguard basic
In the next step, you need to provide payment information wherein you can either pay via credit card or PayPal. Once you select the payment mode and enter the information.
In the final step, you need to agree to the terms and click submit.
And that’s it you have successfully purchased hosting from Bluehost.
After the purchase is complete, it will take you to a new screen where you will be needed to create a new password for your account. Also, you will receive a confirmation email and invoice from Bluehost.
I don’t want to complicate things because it’s very easy to do this. I could go on about options and pricing but there is no reason for that.
Installing WordPress And A Few Basic Settings(the next step)
This step is very simple all you need are a few clicks of the button to get started.
Bluehost will have already installed WordPress for you!
The first thing you need to do is create a password.
Now choose the website theme that you desire and make it your own
No need to worry you can change this later if you need to change it.
Once you have completed that it’s all done!
You will be taken to a page that says “Start Building” Click that button.
You will end up here.
Now we just need to set up the website.
Follow the simple sets in the picture below by clicking “BlueHost” then “Home” “Launch”.
Now all you need to assign a name to the blog and click “Next Step”
Congratulations! You have just created an amazing website now you can start blogging today!!
Once this is done you will be taken to the backend page that looks like thlooksThis is where you can do things like adding new posts, live chat and some other options as you can see from the image above.
Bluehost is the best because it’s has a hands-off WordPress CMS installation. You do not need to mess around with code or lose all sense of direction in a control panel or else a marketplace.
Now you have the blog set up and ready to use it’s time to grow it!
I’m going to show you all the steps I take to bring in large amounts of good engaging traffic to my blog.
Here’s a quick list of some of the better “ways”… or tactics… for tapping into tons of free traffic.
1. Blog Commenting
Comment on the big and popular blogs in your niche.
You’ll get backlinks to your blog.
You’ll get noticed by folks in your niche.
People will start clicking over to your blog from your comment profile or link.
Influential bloggers will start noticing you, and you can leverage those contacts to get even more traffic.
2. Guest Posting
One great way of leveraging the contacts you make from blog commenting is to start guest posting.
Simply ask some of the big bloggers if you can write an article on their blog.
If they’re already familiar with you from all the comments you’ve left on their blogs, they are far more likely to let you in the door.
When you guest post on some of the big blogs in your niche, their readers will take notice and start visiting your blog.
This is a great way to get in front of other people’s built-in traffic flow, and steering some of it your way.
3. Article Re-purposing
When you write a blog post, create a few variations of it.
Just do some quick and simple edits and rewrites so that one blog post has 2 or 3 unique “versions.”
Post these edited versions on other platforms, like LinkedIn, Medium and Quora.
That multiplies the “reach” of your original blog post.
It taps into audiences that are not on your blog but can be directed to your blog through links you embed in your re-purposed articles.
4. Social Media Sharing
This is a big one.
Everyone knows there are bazillions of people on the big social media platforms.
Post to Facebook, LinkedIn, and others… link back to your blog and people will follow if they like what you’re doing.
Don’t forget YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat… these are great social media outlets for finding new traffic sources.
5. Roundup Posts
Do a blog post that features responses from several experts or influencers.
Ask one question of everyone, like “what have you found to be the best way to get free traffic to your blog?”
Then collect the responses and write a blog post with a title like “38 Experts Share Their Favorite Free Traffic Tactics.”
This amounts to a group interview, and when you post it, each of the “experts” will usually share it with their followers.
That can result in a huge amount of free traffic being driven to your blog.
All the above tactics will help you drive traffic to your blog.
And there are many others I haven’t even listed.
But implementing random tactics is NOT the best way to build your blogging business.
That’s because…
you will quickly strip the gears of your ‘traffic machine’ and burn out your brains in the process of trying too hard… if you put too many ‘traffic tactics’ in motion.
· You see, tactics take time
This can leave you in a frenzy of bewilderment, confusion and a nut-case sense overwhelm.
Believe me, I’ve been doing this long enough to know that this “overwhelm” of too many things to do is the biggest reason that bloggers fail.
It’s not because there is a lack of ways to get traffic, it’s because there are just too dang many of them.
And when bloggers get desperate to drive traffic to their blogs, they start trying everything they see other people using.
· Tactics can even cost money
Consider, for instance, your quest for tapping into free social media traffic.
Things like Buffer, Meet Edgar and other social media sharing tools can get fairly expensive.
The best social media traffic tactics require software support.
So even though you can use tools to get “free traffic,” those tools are not usually free.
It’s like, you might think that painting houses are a no-overhead business to run.
But you’ve got to buy paint, brushes, ladders and some kind of vehicle just to start doing business.
And that can all get pretty costly for a business you thought required no overhead.
When we coach bloggers to get free, high-quality traffic, we always focus on having them develop what we call, a Big Traffic Strategy.
This means that you need to come up with a strategy that you can implement daily.
So, if you’re going to do it every day, you can’t include 101 tactics.
Talk about driving yourself crazy 🙂
You need to develop ONE Big Traffic Strategy that works for you.
· Step 1
Find out where the people in your niche hang out.
· Step 2
Decide on 3 methods for getting your blog in front of that crowd.
· Step 3
Implement those 3 methods every single day.
There you have it.
You’ve just developed your very own Big Traffic Strategy.
It’s unique to you and your blog and your niche crowd.
It doesn’t have to be complicated.
In fact, the simpler it is, the more likely you are to be able to implement it consistently.
And by consistently, I mean daily… or close to it.
You’ll get far more free traffic to your blog by actually putting a few chosen tactics in motion daily… than you ever will by haphazardly trying one tactic here, another one there… as the mood strikes.
And don’t obsess on whether or not you have “the right strategy” in place.
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach that works the same for everyone.
That’s why bloggers looking to just imitate what they see someone else do, usually get crazy overwhelmed and desperately disappointed with their results.
But that won’t happen to you because, hey, now you know better 🙂